
What makes you beautiful!!

This is to all the girls You all are beautiful the way you are You don't need an opinion Already blessed, you're a star. This is to all the girls Who think they are not beautiful enough You are! Just believe in yourself What others say doesn't matter, your grace is tough This is to all the girls Be what you are Never let your Spark dull And you will conquer everything near and far. This is to all the girls Everyone has a different personality You are unique, Just find yourself Remove those who take the smile away from your vanity.  Above lines are for every women and girls out there who are covered in there bubble of insecurities and flaws. You are beautiful and imperfectly perfect. Your flaws is what makes you beautiful and natural. I Know, I'm not perfect and i don't try to be because that's what makes me real. My every flaws and scars makes me look more beautiful. You don't have to compare yourself to others. You are sufficient. Look after you

know your worth

It’s funny once you start looking back on your life and seeing all the trials and tribulations you’ve been through and how you ended up being the person you are today. I had the opportunity through sharing my stories to reflect upon my life choices, albeit one bad one after another and seeing how each decision, each person I encountered ended up helping mold me into who I am today.  Self-worth is an internal state of being that comes from self-understanding, self-love, and self-acceptance. Many of us try to be someone we’re not just to fit in, be liked and wanted. I did it too just to be friends . Now I think about it I feel how stupid I was. Years ago I was not I'm today. I was confused and constantly doubting my self, begging someone to stay, living a life on someone else advice, questioning myself "am I not good enough". My heart hurts for the girl I was then . I forgot about I'm a good person I deserve love and good things in my life.  It’s a state that is somewha

Hope smiles

What is hope!!! Explaining in simple words, hope is something that we want to happen in real , We wish to happen and we pray to happen. Hope is the essence of life. Many of us could not even live a life of peace without having hope deep inside the heart. Life is unpredictable, hard and quite stupid at times. Things go out of hand and beyond of our control at times. Hope is the only thing that keeps up the fight on and improve the chances of making our life better. Hope the essence of life keeps our eyes wide open for an improved future. I know it’s very hard keeping up with the inner faith during the most critical times, but, those who never leave hope, actually make it till the end.No doubt life is a solid war zone. But it’s not too bad either. Try to keep your eyes full of dreams. Hope not only gives you the strength to overcome a pain, but it also makes the journey for the future easier. Let’s not worry about the fact that today is bad. Hope keeps us telling that tomorrow will be

Hostel Life

I have been an Introvert so moving to another city for me was a big task. Still, due to some circumstances, I shifted to another city leaving my mother and my home behind.  So My biggest fear and insecurity was being with new people. And here when I came I need to live with strangers. Then I did not know that these strangers would become my family.  I guess this is the reason everyone says that hostel life is the best life.  And I totally agree with this fact because I have made memories that I will cherish for life.  Hostel helped me grow from a child to the person I am today. I won't say that it gave me only good memories I had bad ones too but I don't regret being here. From the first day of my hostel day till today  I have seen so many changes in myself. From learning to only eat to making maggie in the kettle and waiting for my turn on a gas stove. From eating in restaurants at home to missing home food badly in hostels. From celebrating festivals at home with a variety of


One of the invariable realities in life is that we are every in a state of change. These changes may be positive or negative but regardless of their nature, they are a fundamental part of our lives and it is important that we brace ourselves for them. In my life, I have had many changes; some of which have been inconsequential and other which have literally marked a turning point in my life. Things change all the time; and often people fear them. Some believe change is the worst thing that could happen, but that is not always the case. In order to move on with life, things must change. I believe that change is good, and if nothing changed, then life would not exist for most people. I also believe that people should purposely make changes in their life, in order to experience new things, and see how one can benefit from doing things differently. Most of the time, people will find that changes help them understand things better, and enjoy life more. Change allows people to gr